How to Convert .PEM to .PPK Private key

Windows users use PuTTy for connecting Linux servers. While using putty we can’t .pem file to login to remote Linux server. We can use only .ppk files in putty to use the key based login for Linux server. For example, I had created a Linux server on Amazon and it provides in the .pem file for login to the server. I can easily use this .pem file while using ssh command from Linux system but when I use windows, I can’t use a .pem file with putty. This article will help you for converting .pem to .ppk file using PuTTYgen.

Prerequisites -
  • Installed PuTTygen on Windows Machine
  • .PEM file to convert to.PPK private file.
Step1- Download Putty installer-
In order to install Putty and PuTTygen with your Windows machine. First, download putty .msi installer from the official website-
Once download complete, start the installation
Step2- Install putty with PuTTygen-
Run the .msi installer by double click on the file and choose next.
Click Next to proceed the installation

Click on Next button 
Click on Finish to complete the installation 
 Step3- Convert.PEM to .PPK Private Key.
Open PuTTygen Software and click on the load button 
Now select .pem file from your system. By default, it shows only .ppk files in list. So select All Files in the drop-down list.
Now, you will see a successful import message.
Your public key will appear on PuTTYgen screen and you can save .ppk files by using Save private key button on the screen to save private key files.
On the next screen give the Private PPK file name and click on the save button.
Now, your Private key is ready to use with PuTTy software. Let's make the connection.
You have successfully connected your Linux system using the private key.
All done. Enjoy your cup of tea and do whatever you want to do with your Linux instance.

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